About us

Coffee maestro in a nutshell

We love coffee! We love drinking it, preparing it, and talking about it. Coffee makes the world go ´round and brings people together. Coffee has an amazing and rich history both culturally and regarding its own development. We want to transform our passion for coffee into an extraordinary experience for our customers.

Established in 2020, Coffee Maestro is an SCA (Speciality Coffee Association) certified training centre. Our main training centre is based in Bristol, but we will open new facilities in new locations in the future!

Currently, we offer courses covering the „Barista Skills“ and ‚Brewing‘ modules from the SCA Coffe Skills Program. Our curricula for the ‚Green Coffee‘, ‚Roasting‘ and ‚Sensory Skills‘ modules are already approved. We will incorporate them into our offerings in the next six months.

All our trainers are SCA certified industry professionals with several years of experience and a commitment to share their expertise and knowledge.

We're just starting!

List of centres, courses and trainers
Bristol Liverpool
Training centres running opening in 2022
Courses 3 n/a
Trainers 6 We're hiring!

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